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झारखंड मे पर्यावरण संरक्षण हेतु बड़ते प्रयास
मनुस्य पर्यावरण का एक महत्वपूर्ण भाग है, परन्तु निरन्तर जनसंख्या में बृद्धि होने के कारण प्राकृतिक संसाधनों का अत्यधिक उपभोग और तेजी से...

पर्यावरण संरक्षण हेतु एक हज़ार परिवारों तक पहुंचा सहभागी शिक्षण केंद्र
हम अपने आस पास प्रकृति प्रदत्त विभिन्न जैविक एवं अजैविक आवरणों से घिरे हुए हैं। इन प्राकृतिक आवरणों के संयोजन से हमारा पर्यावरण धरती पर...

A step towards improving farmers' income in Uttar Pradesh
Wheat yield and Farmers' income increased by 40-50%.. Modern scientific techniques were introduced to farmers by SSK..

Infrastructural Support to CHC and PHC in Jharkhand
In Hussainabad block of Palamu District, Jharkhand, SSK extended support to two PHCs and one CHC with 18 general bed with mattress, 5...

COVID safety kit distributed to frontline health workers in Japla
During the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the biggest public health crises have witnessed in the modern world, CHC staff, ANMs and ASHA...

Community Preparedness against COVID-19
NITI Aayog and the State Governments are focusing on the SDGs and inclusive Rural Development through GPDP as a promising means of...

Suhasini is empwering women through literacy centres
Functional Literacy for Dignity and Entitlement Project by SSK, Sitapur. The goal of the project is to #empower illiterate rural women of...

Grassroot changemaker Uzma
Functional Literacy for Dignity and Entitlement Project by SSK, Sitapur. The goal of the project is to #empower illiterate rural women of...

Yadurani Devi has transformed herself!
Functional Literacy for Dignity and Entitlement Project by SSK, Sitapur. The goal of the project is to #empower illiterate rural women of...

Mission Gaurav Support: Reaching the Unreached
“We have heard of hardships during a pandemic from our forefathers, but never thought we would experience one,” says Usha Devi of village...

A Quality Life to Migrant families
Jeera Devi, 35, hails from village Tadi, Cholapur block. She has a joint family of eight members. For about seven months, her family was...
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