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Strengthening democracy through participatory governance

Voter awareness & Capacity building of PRIs

Panchayati Raj and local governance remain the core of SSK. Sahbhagi believes in self-governance and its importance for the improvement and sustainability of human development. With decades of experience with local governance, SSK plays its role in strengthening, capacity building of PRIs with a special focus on women's participation and leadership in local governance. SSK's intervention majorly includes developing governance models through action research.

Current Project


Our objective is to establish an inclusive and secure environment for children within Gram Panchayats, with a commitment to upholding the underlying principle of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


Tribes are mostly concentrated in remote and inaccessible areas, usually in hills and forests. These indigenous people are not homogenous in groups and differ from each other not just in terms of their ecology

Previous Projects

इस भाषा में अभी तक कोई पोस्ट प्रकाशित नहीं हुई
पोस्ट प्रकाशित होने के बाद, आप उन्हें यहाँ देख सकेंगे।
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