Sahbhagi Vocational Training Centre
Sahbhagi Shikshan Kendra (SSK) has independently developed a vocational training centre, named Sahbhagi Vocational Training Centre. The main idea behind its inception is skills-building of youth belonging to economically weak and marginalized communities so as to enhance their earning potential through employability. SVTC aims at the economic and social empowerment of rural youth through vocational training. Keeping this in mind various vocational Training Programs have been designed in a manner that does not only impart vocational skills but provides them with life skill education. SVTC specifically focuses on adolescent girls, school drop-outs, Illiterate and women from minority and marginalized sections of the society by designing special courses.
Courses Offered
Courses offered by SVTC
The courses offered by SVTC fall into two categories:
Professional Skill Development Programs – These are the courses that provide necessary skills to shape up the career of the youth so that they can acquire professional skills and get a good job. These programs target undergraduate/ graduate youths from marginalized sections of society.
Livelihood enhancement program – These programs focus on various vocational skill developments so that the youths can earn their living or enhance their earning potential. After course completion, they either work for others or become self-employed. These programs especially target economically weak, marginalized and uneducated youths.
Skill development & Employment
India has the largest youth population in the world. Almost a third of Indians are between 15 and 29 years old. The country is set to become the world’s youngest with 64% of its population in the working-age group. By 2020, the average age of the country will be 29. It is observed that India has a relative advantage at present over other countries in terms of the distribution of the youth population.
Individuals are most employable when they have broad-based education and training, basic and portable high-level skills, including teamwork, problem-solving, information and communications technology (ICT) and spoken language skills. This combination of skills enables them to adapt to changing trends in the labour market. Employability results from several factors – a foundation of core skills, access to education, availability of training opportunities, motivation, ability and support to take advantage of opportunities for continuous learning, and recognition of acquired skills – and is critical for enabling workers to attain decent work and manage change and for enabling enterprises to adopt new technologies and enter new markets.
However, youths belonging to disadvantaged and vulnerable sections of society like families below poverty line, backward, marginalized communities and PWDs fail to reap this demographic advantage. They are socially and economically weak, miss out on opportunities for employment, get exploited, and lack resources and guidance, lack employability and other desired skill sets. It is very important to make a focused and targeted intervention for the conversion of these youths into valuable human resources.
Sahbhagi Shikshan Kendra (SSK) has been working on holistic rural development, of which livelihoods form an integral part. To ensure sustainable livelihood opportunities at the grassroots, it is essential to engage the young workforce in the process.
The ILO defines employability skills as: “the skills, knowledge and competencies that enhance a worker’s ability to secure and retain a job, progress at work and cope with change, secure another job if he/she so wishes or has been laid off and enter more easily into the labour market at different periods of the life cycle. Individuals are most employable when they have broad-based education and training, basic and portable high-level skills, including teamwork, problem-solving, information and communications technology (ICT) and communication and language skills.
Sahbhagi Vocational Training Centre offers a combination of skills that enables youth to adapt to changing labour market.
Employability Programs:
Communication, Spoken English, Computer, Interview & Presentation skills, Job search, Personality Development, Sales & BPO, Public speaking. Basic & Advanced computer course, Back/Front Office management, Training in IT, Office automation, Data entry & Tally.
Livelihood Enhancement Programs:
Basic embroidery, Diploma in Sewing, Painting, Masonry, Carpenter, Plumber & Whitewashing, Chip level Mobile repairing, Motorbike repairing, Motor Driving, Home appliance repairing.
Skill Programs at Sahbhagi Vocational Training Centre
Sahbhagi Vocational Training Centre
Upskilling youth and supporting employability